

俚语 bummy bear

bummy bear

referring to someone who's a bum and has the appearance resembling a bear
A: you know I'm just a bum
B: No, you are a bummy bear

Bummi Bear

The sweet based bait a peadophile uses to lure kids into his van
Hey there kids want to see the Bummi Bears I have in the back of my van?

Bummy Bears

A slang term for Sugar-Free Haribo Gummy Bears. This expression originates due to the intense and explosive laxative effect that this product has on your digestive system.
John: "Bill why does the bathroom look like Helen Keller was playing with brown colored spray paint?"
Bill: "Because I ate 15 Bummy Bears."
John: "Fair enough."

Bummy Bear

A gummy bear that has been stuffed inside an asshole and ready to be eaten as a yummy anal snack.
Yo bro, come over and try some of these bummy bears I made. I ate mexican food right before I made them so they are extra creamy.




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