

俚语 bumping dicks

bumping dicks

A type of gay sex that resembles bumping donuts...but with men.
Jo and Ralph were bumping dicks all night.

bump dick

when yo dick got a big ol bump in the middle of it
“Aye yo! that kid matt got a bump dick”

Dick bump

A thrusting of the pelvic area towards another person to demonstrate affection.
Origin: the Destructoid Justin.tv community.
"Here's a dick bump for you all" - Jon Carnage, Justin.tv live stream.

dick bump

When someone does a hit of cocaine off someones penis
Let me do some dick bumps with you boy!

Dick Bumps

Bumps on the dick.
"She's so hot, she gives me dick bumps." -H "We don't fist bump around here, we dick bump." -J "One dick bump is no good." -R "Make sure your dick bumps are blue." -R

dick bump

The act of penal penatration to a fetus's skull.
While I was fucking this bad ass bitch It felt like I was hitting a wall with my dick, but then she said to quit dick bumping her baby.

Phantom dick bump

Its when someone wears a male figured jeans and there is a bump that looks like they have a penis, but its all an illusion.
Look at her phantom dick bump, she probably took this pair from her father




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:17