

俚语 bum-roll

Bum Roll

When a person or persons roll a bum from a bench or on a sidewalk etc..
That bum on the bench, lets go bum roll him

bum roll

when you dress up as a bum and every slope that is 5 degrees or more slanted you roll down it in a bum like fashion.
Bums use this "bum roll" because they are too poor for other means of transportation and it is quick, easy travel.


A movement in the legs which defines ones bottom. When the legs are spread. pushing one cheek of the bottom backwards defining it's shape.

- Used to mention a desirable bottom

- Used in slang to describe an unattractive bottom or as a jest
1. "Did you check him out? His arse is so huge he bum-rolls while sitting"

2. "That girl has one fineeeee bum-roll"




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