

俚语 bum rum

bum rum

a fruity alcoholic beverage favoured by shirt-lifters. Malibu or tia maria or some fudge-packer drink like that.
"ooooh quentin, shall we have a swift half?"
"oooh no barry, beer gives my fragile feminine stomach terrible upsets, lets just have a malibu eh?"
"hmmm me too. Two shots of bum rum, barman"

Bum Rum Flavour

A flavour
That is Bum Rum Flavour

Rum Bum

Used to describe the runny, splattery, and gassy shits, usually experienced after a long night of consuming rum and cokes.
Wow, I’ve got a real bad case of rum bum today, I’ve gone shit three times in the last hour!

Indian Rum Bum

The act of using pickle juice and rum for an enema. This is often done after a particularly violent anal cleaning.
I gave my ass hole a good cleaning in preparation for this Indian Rum Bum I'm about to get.

Bum Rum

When you’re bum is leaking rum.
John: i just ate meatloaf and now i need to poo
Kyle: Damn that’s about to give you mad bum rum

Bum Rum

An cocktail/sex move consisting of turning a bottle of rum upside down in ones anus and the drinking the ensuing cocktail.
My wife and I spiced up the bedroom with a little bum rum!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:53:29