

俚语 bumskied


being totally bummed out
Kid 1: "I've got a 10 page paper due tomorrow and I haven't started."
Kid 2: "Bumskied dude."


Used to express disappointment in a situation; Another form of bummer.
Guy 1: Dude! I ran and hid in my room, but it found me anyway.
Guy 2: Bumskies bro.


The essence of bummer
Dude 1: Fuck man, today my girl wouldn't fucking blow me off.
Dude 2:Bumskies.


A lazy man that sits on his ass cheeks all day and pretends to do work well telling people what to do and shooting down awes poss pa gosh ideas.
I told Kram I wanted to go skydiving over Niagara Falls well delivering a baby and smoking a cigar but per usual he was playing the role of the "bumski."


A word used by Whitby natives as a greeting, or a diss depending on the sentence
"Yo bumski wut yu sayin?"
"Yo dat g is such a bumski"

bumski rumski

A bumski rumski is ones partner in lazy activities, usually being a significant other.You watch TV marathons, you're smoking buddies, and they're the love of your life! You drink lots of coffee together, smoke bowls together, rub eachother's backs, and have deep conversations at odd hours.

A bumski rumski is almost always wearing pajama pants, a big t shirt, no bra, and their hair usually resembles something a rat would enjoy playing in.
"Oh bumski rumski! Why don't we get off the couch and go do something?"
"There's nothing else to do."

Gnar-gnar bumski

regional dialect of Southern California referring to an unfortunate incident resulting in intense emotional distress.
Can't shoot the curls today, brah. Grandma flipped her vette on the PCH. Total gnar-gnar bumski.

They denied our word submission. Gnar-gnar bumski, brah.




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