

俚语 bumweed


crappy marijuana. aka schwag. ditchweed.
That dude told me this was kind bud, but it's bumweed.


The hair that grows on ones bum
Ewww you have some nasty bumweed


An uncontrollable urge to shit in a flowing motion, Starting off as a stomach churning, gut renching feeling that is rapidly followed by a run to the nearest Restroom where severe sweating and panic ensues as the uncontrollable flow of BUMWEE pours out of your ass. After this painful experiance the Sting of the ring of fire is the reminder of what you have just experianced, other than the Pebble dashed pan you leave behind.
"Ah mate, I've just had the worst BUMWEE ever, proper pouring out!!"


The liquid which appears during toilet backwash. Carries with it an awful and awesome smell that can eliminate a grown man. Can often be placed into normal conversation to add hilarity unknown to bystanders.
Tramp: "Can I have a wee bite o yer sandwich?"
Lewis: "Yeah, it's a bit bumwee though. Thats a nice bumwee you've got."
Tramp: "Is yer friend takin' the piss?"


"My GOD! It smells like bumwee in here! The smell is like getting hit in the face. WITH A SHIT!"


Poo so runny it is basically wee coming out of your bum
I had a bit of bumwee after that curry last night.


A rather disgusting liquidy form of faeces passed out the rear end, usually after a night on the piss when one has consumed more liquid than donner kebabs.
"Dewd, I went for a **** but only liquid came out!?"


often said by bearded weirdos trying to impress schoolgirls. Absolutely no idea what it is supposed to mean but would guess that it is something to do with the rear end and urine
"god, like, uh, you know, uh, that film with George Clooney in it was, like, real bumwee"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:12:20