

俚语 bunchy


A strange thing that seems to be half slug, half llama, and half biggin. It originated from a gif image. It prances along smiling in an unnerving fashion. Some people call it Kelet, after a person who posted an image of it in some forum, but its proper name is Bunchies. The official site is at www.wildpixels.com/bunchies.
"Look at Bunchies go!"


A wonderful, many-chinned pickle-llama hybrid that loosely resembles a seafoam-green dildo. Bunchies enjoys frolicking in swamps and galloping through open fields of pickle-trees. Bunchies' large, shiny, black eyes and perpetually opened mouth allude to the inaudible "RAWR" that we all know Bunchies secretly emits.
Hey look over there in that swamp! There's a delicious Bunchies frolicking over the hillside.


Bus munchies. The hunger you get when your on the bus.
"I always have a snack in my bag in case I get the bunchies"


cranky; pissy; to have your "panties in a bunch"
Have you not had your coffee yet? You're so bunchy.


A green Llama like creature that Chuck Norris rides into the sun every thursday.

Also known as Final Boss of the Internet, WTF Monster, Kelet, and The Grin Raper.

May resemble a dick.
lol its a bunchie


A creature with four legs and an elongated neck. Also Capable of attaining high speeds while galloping. Similar in appearance to that of a male phallus.
"Genmay.com is obsessed with that penis looking thing, Bunchie."


A long-necked green llama on crack. Occasionally thought to be a green-dinosaur-type-thing. A bunchie's favorite song is "The One" by Frisky and Hujib, but only the part that goes "Dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadaddadada" and repeats.
Bunchies are often mistaken for llama type things.




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