

俚语 buncle's


An Uncle that lives in your house. Usually, is on disability for a false injury. They smoke cigars and wear jogging pants. Typically, a Buncle can be seen lingering around your neighborhood, in a creepy, rapist fashion. Some believe Buncle's are pederasts, although, there is no evidence thus far. All Buncle's are habitual liars. Creating fiction about partying with celebrities, being watched by Feds, etc..Steer clear of all Buncle's unless you have time to spare. When one interacts, there is no telling when a Buncle will ever end his ramblings. It is said to be an abbreviation of the phrase, " Uncle Bum".
" Oh, shit! Here comes Buncle...let's see what fibs he's going to tell us today."

"Buncle told me he had lunch with U2 today."


A black uncle. One who is African American, or of African decent (black) and who has a very close friend or even a relative that is having a child. Thus, since they are black they consider themselves an uncle, but a black uncle or buncle.
One Seventh season, episode 2, Turk says to Carla, after hearing JD's baby is about to be born:

"I'm a buncle now."


Baby uncle
Is he your buncle?

ur uncle buncle

the worst insult to ever have crossed mankind. Each time these forbidden words are spoken the andromed galaxy moves 10mph faster to the milkyway galaxy.
cem:ur mom gay haha.
tim: you went that way huh?ur dad lesbian
max: haha such weaklings i shall end you all ur granny tranny
saem: dont worry guys ive got this *prepares his lips* ur uncle buncle

Newsreporter: Breaking!!! The andromeda galaxy is moving faster than ever to the milkyway galaxy

Buncle Bris

Also know Boach Bauch, hes that cool world of warcraft pro, instead of being the cool uncle that gets you beer,he gives you T20 sets, which get you just as fucked up. Teaches us the ways of physics and swim.
Buncle Bris,I have a physics question.

Buncle Bris can we see that OPTIMAL body position again?


To make something, ( a process, a procedure, a task or a design) much more difficult than is necessary by adding multiple, redundant steps or complexity. In the case of a design, to make something really ugly.
This wiring was definitely put in by a buncle.
Who made this nasty looking website, uncle buncle?
Jeez, this damn form is so bloody complicated. Has it been buncled?
Who made this road junction, the buncalator?
Man, I need to justify charging more money for this. I think I need to bunclify it.


When your building ka kids are conflicted between greeting you as a bhaiyya or an uncle.
Hello, bh…er…unc…er… Hello, Buncle!




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