A dog that is so beautiful you have no other words to describe it. A dog you just want to bear hug and squeeze to death. Many animals or life forms may have that same effect, however, this term is specific to dogs. The dog is the all mighty and a force no to be reckoned with. Small dogs do not count, as they are derived from rats. Dogs above ~25lbs (11kgs) are eligible for the term. No animals were harmed in the making of this term. Please don't take this term literally, dead dogs can be bungalowba, unless they die from suffocation.
OMG! Laila, you are so cute, my little bungalowba. I wish every dog were like you.
Yoda may have the force, but my dog has bungalowba.
Male- What lovely weather we're having.
Female- nLeave me alone.
Male- My dog has a severe case of bungalowba.
Female- Let me see! Let's get married.
Yoda may have the force, but my dog has bungalowba.
Male- What lovely weather we're having.
Female- nLeave me alone.
Male- My dog has a severe case of bungalowba.
Female- Let me see! Let's get married.