

俚语 bung eyes

bung eye

having one eye that doesn't quite look right.
Yo that chick has a bung eye, gross.

bung eyes

bung eyes is a medical condition were one of the eyes in a human is a lazy eye and when they look at you its weird because you dont know if they are looking at you or if they are looking at the person next to you or both
person 1 "hey that brad guys eyes are funny"

person 2 "yeah hes got bung eyes and cant eat sugar"

person 1 "ohh i see,that sucks"

bung eye ben

some really stupid annoying little faggot at rosebud secondary collage that has a bung eye.
he annoys the shit thru anyone and says the repetitive phrases like
"make me"
"go fuck ya dad"
"go away you fat fuck"
"come here and say it"
hows it going today? "go fuck ya dad"
are you going to make me?
"come here and say it"
stop being a bung eye ben.

Bung eye

When you’ve taken to many drugs in a night and one of your eyes starts not to work
That cunts cooked his got a bung eye




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:12:23