a Dutch name meaning, royally marvelous, astonishingly seductive, and all together charmingly angelic and attractive.
Come over here my dearest buning...i have a question for you....why are you so AMAZING?
(Pronounced B-you-n) Another word for a bunny.
Man, I love Easter! The bune rocks!
Also known as taint or choad. The area 'tween the pene (or vag) and asshole.
James took a shot to the bune.
anyone who has this name must be the sweetest person that ever exists and you must love them
bunee is pog asf
To have a female reach into a males's pants, going for his crotch, giving off a sure sign that she's ready for a hard core make-out session. Unfortunately right before the two tend to make love, the female's best friend throws a cinnamon bun at the male's face, ending the beginning of what was going to be a luscious sex scene.
crotch, sex, luscious, cinnamon, bun, Cinna-buned
bune head
where the head has an odd shape to it, when you look some one straight on, if the side of there head sticks out, its a "bune head".
you head has an odd shape to it, "ow, you have a bune head"
bunee is so hot and funny. you are all jealous of bunee because of her fat cock
"wow bunee is so fucking hot"