

俚语 bunny hopper

bunny hopper

A term used by gamers to label someone who constantly jumps during fire fights to avoid enemy fire.

It is used in a derogitory fashion to tell the person they feel they were being cheap and underhanded.
Easter aighnt for another month, sit down bunny hopper!

bunny hopper

a girl who gets with or has sex with 3 or more FBC members.
that girl is such a bunny hopper she banged swizz, c money, bowers, and nate

Bunny hopper

A guy or girl who dates or has dated more than 2 people in the same friend group(a player who dates people in the same friend group)
Mia:'wait- he just broke up with linda's bestie and now he's dating linda"
Mia's friend: "yup he dated all of her besties and friends, bunny hopper 🙄"

Bunny Hopper

A girl who sleeps with guys front to back. Bunnies hop from place to place, bunny hoppers hop from guy to guy. Meaning she is a whore/slut.
Guy 1: Dude did you hear about that one chick who slept with the quarter back?
Guy 2: Yeah man, she's such a bunny hopper.

bunny hopper 3000

The bunny hopper 3000 is a mechanical penis. The newest model.
That sound is like the bunny hopper 3000!

Bunny Hopper

Those players of online games that jump on the new game of the moment, every time, systematically, when a new game is released.
Gamer1: I used to play ffhhusxz online, but after 17 seconds of playtime I realized that was not the games I wanted, ffhhusxz is a fail game and over hyped thrash. BBshxz online istead will be the game of the future. the revolution.

Gamer2: what a bunny hopper, how can you judge a game if you play it for so little time...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:30:06