If you are so bored to the point you are searching this up, you should probably go get help. The psychopath in you is starting to really go crazy.
psycho part of you: we've already done 1234567890 and 11223344556677889900, what else is there?
you: no
psycho: *gasp* i've got it
you: please no
psycho: 1112344456777890
you: why?
psycho: and you can even sing it in like a scary nursery rhyme kind of way
you: how come i haven't gotten help for this?
you: no
psycho: *gasp* i've got it
you: please no
psycho: 1112344456777890
you: why?
psycho: and you can even sing it in like a scary nursery rhyme kind of way
you: how come i haven't gotten help for this?