

俚语 burning love

Burning love

Getting rid of excess sexual desire by kissing or having any sexual encounter with a friend or stranger.
Hey, do you feel like burning love? I really need to get rid of this excess lust.

burning love

when, at night you reach out for the vaselene, and pick up the vicks vapour rub instead!!
example given above, as i sed, when, at night you reach out for the vaselene, and pick up the vicks vapour rub instead!!

love burn

A burn, similar to a rug burn, which is caused by the friction associated with frequent and/or intense masturbation.
Carl got a third degree love burn, on his hand, when his girlfriend wouldn't give him any lovin'.

Love burns

Burn marks, redness, or tenderness on the penis or vaginal area caused by latex friction or psoriasis. Not STD-related.
Those damn Trojans gave me love burns.

Erupting Burning Finger Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken

The single most manly (and complicated) attack in existence, and ultimate attack of Domon Kasshu and Rain Mikamura of G-Gundam. It beats even the falcon punch and giga drill break in extreme epicness. the attack comes in the form of a huge blast with the king of hearts symbol on it, as well as having a giant pissed off king who will leave a heart shaped hole that will then cause everything to spontaneously combust.

to use said attack

1)the user must first have a hot nude woman come flying at him, then jump to catch that woman while some how truing a cape into a dress while spinning.

2) you and the now dressed, hot, woman must say: "these hands of ours are burning red". you: "their load cry tells us," Hot-woman: to grasp happiness.

2) then you and the woman must a a quick waltz while screaming: erupting, burning, finger, Sekiha love-love Tenkyoken. note that you have to say "seki", and the girl has to say "ha".
Hey, lets use the Erupting Burning Finger Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken!

The Erupting Burning Finger Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken is the most epic attack in the universe.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:00:02