

俚语 buron's


the family called "le family le buron" was a very rich familly who lived in suthern france in the times og the yuggonots. But when the poor people were trying to take control over france the Buron familly leaved france and some of them moved til USA and denmark, were the still have economic class
Buron the familly of france


A very famous and rich yugggonot familiy from france. Now mostly living in denmark, north from Copenhagen. Most off there values are placed i european banks.
Poet in france wrote: la buron e piu la tute gente.. the burons are over all other people


A combination of the words "beaurocrat" and "moron". Originally referring to a jobsworth who makes your life unnecessarily difficult because of some rule they think they need to follow. Now extended to refer to anyone who holds some small amount of power over your day-to-day life but you will only ever meet once.
The buron's at the ticket barrier have been known to let you on an earlier train without even noticing.

I couldn't get into the nightclub because the buron at the door was enforcing a one-in-one-out policy.
The website sent me an e-ticket to my smartphone but the buron on the door wasn't happy because they wanted a print-out.




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