Bush Onion
The Bush Onion is a close relative of the Dirty Sanchez. Where a man takes a woman from behind and just before ejaculation, sticks his finger in the woman's ass, only to pull it out and wipe a nice little pooh-stache on the woman's upper lip. Now, the Bush Onion ramps this little puppy up a notch. The man performs the above act but holds the finger under the woman's nose until she cries. Here enters the Bush Onion.
Marty Bush Onioned the young lass.
Onion Bush
A girl's snatch that overly reeks of onions
This girl's onion bush smelt so bad last night it cleared out the entire damn bar
Bush onions
it’s a synonym for std’s (sexual transmitted disease).
Hey guys you know that girl from last night, she gave me the bush onions.