

俚语 busting nuts

busting nuts

That sweet moment of relief and relaxation
Example. "I can not wait to bust nuts after work!", said Nick

Or John said,"I'm going to be busting nuts! All kinds... Of nuts".

bust nuts

to ejaculate and produce sperm
mah man ere bust nuts all dai erday

bust nut

to eject seamen out of your penis
eg. I bust nut all over your mums face last night and she loved it

busted nuts

To Accidentally Hit Your Balls Really Hard.
Hey Tony I Saw The Funniest Shit, Some Guy Was Grinding Down A Rail On A Skateboard And Fell Off And Busted Nuts.

Busting nuts

Ha! You thought I was going to say cumming, well here we go: Busting nuts is when you take a hammer and destroy a peanut. TAKE THAT!
U thot boi. Busting nuts is hard to do sometimes, so use a grenade when necessary

Bust nuts

A term used to describe wanting to have sex.
Boy it's been along time for me I'd really like to bust nuts tonight!

busted nuts

combination of the word "busted" meaning "overly good" (syn. "imba") and the word "nuts" meaning "the best possible thing".
In short, it means something that is of exceptionaly quality.
"Medics are the busted nuts"
"The Uzi is the busted nuts"
"Glare of Subdual is the busted nuts"
"I will bust your nuts"




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