

俚语 buthole


A whole in the middle of your anus comenlly used to poop!
Eww my buthole hurts i need to poop


an autistic donkey who admits he can't spell, also he claims that he is a gay slut who takes pictures of peoples feet and posts them online
buthole is a monkey


a slang term for butthole
I was bored last night so i fingered my own buthol.


A trick word for the slang word that makes people think its butthole but its actually pronounced buthol like menthol!
"Hey dude, pronounce this word."
*texts word buthol*
"Um, butthole?"
"No! What is wrong with you!?"
"What? It says butthole!"
"You know what menthol is right?"
"Man, you're dirty minded."


The hole in ur but
I have a big buthole.

buthole lips

When you wear a dark lipstick color and after eating the inner rim of your lips is lighter than the lipstick color.
WOW, Ashley soo has buthole lips. She can't sit with us.

bubba buthole

A smartass of a man.. One that chews a lot of bubbalicous bullcrap and it spews out his butt hole...

That Bubba sure can be a butthole sometimes when he opens his mouth.
That Bubba sure can be a butthole sometimes when he opens his mouth. He's a real Bubba Buthole




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:24:15