

俚语 butt boobs

butt boobs

A pair of breasts on a woman that resemble the cheeks of a buttocks.
1. Katie has huge butt boobs.

2. When I took a picture of that girl over there, she has such large breasts that they resemble a butt on her chest.

Butt Boobs

A pair of breasts on a woman that resemble the cheeks of a buttocks.
1. Katie Miller has huge butt boobs.

2. When I took a picture of that girl over there, she has such large breasts that they resemble a butt on her chest.

Butt Boobs

A pair of breasts on a woman that resemble the cheeks of a buttocks.
1. Katie Miller has huge butt boobs.

2. When I took a picture of that girl over there, she has such large breasts that they resemble a butt on her chest.

boob butt

when a guy or girl has a butt that ressembles a perfectly shaped pair of breats.
Dayyuumm girl, did you see the boob butt on that chico? He's lookin' mighty fine

boob butt

When one boob bumps into another person's boob like head butting whether on accident or on purpose.
Wow! You just totally boob butt me!

Oops! I boob butt you again. My bad.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:44:57