

俚语 butt frost

butt frost

Butt frost is the frost that builds up on a nudists butt when standing outside too long in on a extremely cold Winter day.
Jenny developed butt frost when she went outside to get the mail.

frosted butts

The only acceptable combo-breaker to use when someone is trying to count to 10 on a message/imageboard.
Poster #1: 1

Poster #1: 2

Poster #1: 3

Poster #1: 4

Poster #2: Frosted Butts.

Poster #1: FUCK

Frost butt

Frost butt is the feeling of immense coldness on one’s butt, after sitting on a cold toilet seat. It frequently happens when a window to the bathroom was left open in the wintertime.
Oh man, Andy left the window open again and now I’ve got Frost butt.

frost butt

The painful exposure to cold wintertime air of skin that should really be bundled under several layers of clothing.
guy 1: (shivering) "There was this huge long line for the bathroom, so I went out back to take a leak. Now I've got a serious case of frost butt."

guy 2: "Dude....TMI...seriously."




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