1. Created by Howard Dean when he was campaining for president, during his speech he used this word
2. Used when you do something better than somone else, can be used at the end of a cold diss.
3. used anywhere, when you punch someone, when you have sex, anything you can think of. Used in Chappelle Show
2. Used when you do something better than somone else, can be used at the end of a cold diss.
3. used anywhere, when you punch someone, when you have sex, anything you can think of. Used in Chappelle Show
you are so ugly. BYAW
Howard Dean: and then we are going to washington D.C to take back the white house!!!! BYAW
Dave Chapelle: and then i grab the secret service like this and go BYAWW and punch them, and then im going upstairs to my bedroom and grab my wife and go BYAW (sex)
Howard Dean: and then we are going to washington D.C to take back the white house!!!! BYAW
Dave Chapelle: and then i grab the secret service like this and go BYAWW and punch them, and then im going upstairs to my bedroom and grab my wife and go BYAW (sex)
Byaw Dog
When you bang a politicians wife and tell her you're wearing a condom but cross your fingers behind your back
"We’re coming in South Carolina! And Oklahoma! And Arizona! And North Dakota! And New Mexico! We’re coming in California! And Texas! And New York! And we’re Coming in South Dakota! And Oregon! And Washington and Michigan! "BYAW DOG!"