Male equivalent to Bye felicia. When someone dramatically declares they are leaving and you couldn't care less about their departure. Their name then becomes "ferdinand", a random jerk that nobody is sad to see go. Their actual name is not relevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "ferdinand".
"Fine! I'll just leave then!"
"bye ferdinand"
"Who is ferdiand?"
"Exactly jerk. buh bye."
"bye ferdinand"
"Who is ferdiand?"
"Exactly jerk. buh bye."
The male version of byefelicia. Ferdinand becomes the random name of a faggot people don't give a fucking shit about. The name is irrelevant because no one cares anymore.
Dude: I'm gonna leave now.
Person B: Byeferdinand
Dude: Who's Ferdinand?
Person B: Who the fuck are you, faggot?
Person B: Byeferdinand
Dude: Who's Ferdinand?
Person B: Who the fuck are you, faggot?