Bylai stands for Bangladeshi YouTube's Lame Animators Incorporation
It is a very pog server.Everyone here is extremely pog and fwiendly. No they are not fuwwies. (uwu)
If you are a "bylaian" you'll be considered the most poggest human alive!
It is a very pog server.Everyone here is extremely pog and fwiendly. No they are not fuwwies. (uwu)
If you are a "bylaian" you'll be considered the most poggest human alive!
Gary: Yo who is that guy? why is his pog meter so high?!
Juju: Oh that? He's Mridul! A moderator of BYLAI!! He's like the most poggest human alive!
Juju: Oh that? He's Mridul! A moderator of BYLAI!! He's like the most poggest human alive!