

俚语 bypass chat filter

Bypass chat filter

When you wanna say swear-word,but your favourite game filters it.So you have to create something similar that will look and sound like an original swear-word,like:
To bypass "Bitch",you can use "bict" or "btc";
When you wanna say "Fuck",use "F4"
Your typical friend:Hey bro!Do you know,how do I swear in Roblox without being filtered by chat filter?
Michael ig?:You can bypass chat filter just by replacing letter with number of remove a few letters so it won't be filtered.
Your typical friend:THANKS BROOOO!I CAN FINALLY SWEAR!!!!1!!!11!111!11111111!11
Roblox:*Bans your typical friend for bypassing*
Michael ig?:OH NOES!!MY FREN GOT BANNED😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:10:03