: Biological mutant with a major COX-9 DNA Defect resulting in a Vagines (Penis N Vagina{instead of testis}). Widely seen in the depths of indian and turkist black tree forests feeding on sasuages and nuts alike. Has an affinity to self destruct when come in contact with a Pressure of 0.1au (arbitrary units). Infertile due to inbreeding of same species. Scientificialy refered to as Whore sapien abbreviated as W. sapien . Can be broken down/hydrolised through 1L of infertile Canius lupus familiaris Urea.
Ew...look at that Caara.
She's such a Caara...*spits*
She's such a Caara...*spits*
She is a loving girl with lovely hair and beautiful skin. She has the brightest personality and is really honest. She can lighten up your day in a moment because of her smile and her voice. She has great fashion and is really friendly with people even if you don’t know her. We love Caara’s.
A Caara is so beautiful
She is so pretty and so kind. She can lighten your day in a moment. She is super friendly and can always be by your side. She is honest and is mean when she wants to be. Caara’s are pretty and have a good style. You can never turn down a Caara.
Caara’s are the ones that can help you in life.