

俚语 caboon


ca-(old latin): around, about, approximately
-boon-: helpful, beneficial
-er: person

Cabooner: Lucky person, fortunate fella
He is such a cabooner who finds his way out in any condition.


adj. (ka·bun·ər)

1. a person who is lucky by effort
I am cabooner than most. I landed a great job.
Some people aren't born cabooner, are they?

2. helpful, beneficial, expedient
The staff in the office are cabooner but only have limited disclosure.
The catalog includes cabooner information on the different projectile models available.
I am cabooner than most. I landed a great job.
Some people aren't born cabooner, are they?
The staff in the office are cabooner but only have limited disclosure.
The catalog includes cabooner information on the different projectile models available.


v. (ka·bun)

1. to do something in order to be successful
She is cabooning on that side project for ages.
She cabooned on her body nowadays, beach season is ahead.

2. to benefit, to receive advantage

It is a health project to caboon everyone.
He has never cabooned from all that experience.
She is cabooning on that side project for ages.
She cabooned on her body nowadays, beach season is ahead.
It is a health project to caboon everyone.
He has never cabooned from all that experience.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:04:09