cacao lemon
the name speaks for itself it is chocolate and lemon flavor together
(person 1)did you hear jim hates cacao lemon
(person 2) WHY WOULD I CARE
(person 2(sorry caps lock)
(person 1) we are speaking in real life
(person 2) that is not my problem
(person 2) WHY WOULD I CARE
(person 2(sorry caps lock)
(person 1) we are speaking in real life
(person 2) that is not my problem
cacao lemon milk egg
like milk egg but you add in feces and piss and let that ferment and stick you milk egg inside of this mixture and let rot obsorb and change color and repeat the last few steps of insertion eating her out and slurping up the juices
(person 1)hey me and susan did the cacao lemon milk egg instead of the milk egg today.
(person 2) why do i even talk to such a perverted absolutly disgust me.
(person 2) why do i even talk to such a perverted absolutly disgust me.