

俚语 act


ACT is an acronym standing for Action Counters Terror. It is believed that it originated either with the military or the emergency services, where personnel are trained to overcome fear and inertia by taking action until this becomes an automatic response. ACT demonstrates that people are capable of really remarkable deeds and that obstacles and difficulties can be beaten when they are confronted. ACT shows that fears and self-doubt can be reduced or eliminated and that forward-looking action can overcome habit and inertia to produce something new and start the process of change.
Don’t procrastinate, ACT!


An acronym standing for Action Conquers Terror. It is unclear whether this was originally a military acronym, where personnel are trained to overcome fear by action until this becomes automatic. It does, however, highlight that people are capable of far more than they realise, and that fears can be beaten when they are confronted. Action show fears and self-doubt as merely a question of attitude; forward-looking action overcomes habit and inertia to produce something new and is the simplest way to start the process of change.
Don't just sit there worrying about it, do something! ACT!


(1) (also ACT Assessment) A standardized test, administered mostly in the midwestern United States by the ACT organization. ACT stood for American College Testing until 1996 when, in a similar manner to the SAT, it shortened its name to ACT to "better reflect the broad range of services" they offer to high school students.

(2) An abbreviation for Australian Capital Territory, which contains Canberra, Australia's capital (NOT Sydney).
(1) I have taken the ACT 3 times.
(2) CANBERRA, ACT - In a landmark vote, Australia's Parliament voted to allow compressed soybean oil to be sold on the open market provided its packaging...


An SAT-style test that's so baller easy that someone like me who says "baller" can manage to get a 31.
Bob: I studied for the SAT since October and I got a 1670.
Danny: I got a 31 on the ACT and I studied in while driving on the freeway to school that morning.


the worst test ever. suppose to kill you and make sure you wont pass in life. a test in school to see if you can remember stuff you wont ever use in later in life EVER.
Hey did u pass the ACT?
No it made sure it ruined my future plans in life.


"American Christian Taliban".

An American Christian Taliban is what results when the far Right American Christian fundamentalist zealots reach their goal of basing all law and government on their legalistic vision of Christianity.

Just as in Afghanistan when the religious zealots gained control of the government and we all saw television images of them beating women and forcing them to wear burkas and banning them from school and the workplace, we will have enforcement and toleration for more punishment in America, for things which are currently a matter of free choice.

Not all Christians--in fact most--do not agree that Church and government should mix; however, a vocal and influential zealous minority have been making significant progress since 2001 by installing practitioners in state, local and federal government positions, and who currently have favor in the White House and who are hijacking the good intentions of normal, rational Christians everywhere.
"Get it otta yo system, fool, coz ACT thugs gonna whack yo fo doing dat shit!"


A test that doesn't help anything at all. We're told to not stress over it, but we can't help but feel like you're getting ready for The Hunger Games. Oh and it's the one thing determining whether we get a higher education or not :)
When will I ever use anything in real life, that I learned on the ACT?




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