caffeine but better
I'm drink my caffeination at the moment
A country whose citizens are unable to maintain sanity throughout the day without imbibing vast quantities of hot coffee.
Thanks to ever numerous locations of Tim Hortons, Canada has become a caffeination
The only drug it's socially acceptable to be completely addicted to.
"Don't do drugs, kids" said the teacher as she sipped on her extra-large coffee, consuming 200 mg of caffeine in the process.
An essential vitamin, without which one suffers from headaches, depression, sudden violent anger, sluggishness, muddled thinking, and crankiness.
I once went 10 months without vitamin C and only suffered a mild bout with scurvy and tooth loss...I went 24 hours without caffeine and that's why I'm doing life without parole.
the only reason Americans make it to class or their jobs
Why didn't you go to work today?
I didn't drink caffeine
I didn't drink caffeine
The gateway drug. mmmm coffee.
(student is holding coffee in hand)
Random Person: you better watch out, they say caffeine is the gateway drug!
Random Person: you better watch out, they say caffeine is the gateway drug!
To be wired on caffeine. Have a caffeine buzz.
After 3 Mocha Frappachinos from Starbucks, I was so caffeinated that I organized my sock drawer!