

俚语 cagando


when you take a long ass shit ... Kappa
I had to take a fiery cagando today, it was not great

ni cagando

Usually used by Chileans. Means someone wont do something requested for.

Also, ni = no for Chileans and cagando = taking a shit , but Ni cagando doesnt mean you "wont take a shit"
Filip: Can you bring me that item?
Kami: Ni cagando

Ni cagando

From the Spanish meaning, “not even shitting”. Implies you wouldn’t do something even under the worst circumstances.
“Wanna go to the Trump rally?”
“Ni cagando.”

Cagando el Palito

When you're scared; When you're nervous that shit is gonna hit the fan.

(Not to be confused with Cagando el Palo.)
When the MP was doing his military police assignment of guarding the border of North Korea & South Korea, he said he was "Cagando el Palito"

cagando el palo

Mexican Slang:

To tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with the person.

To try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke.
Jesus dime la verdad! No me estes cagando el palo!

A mi no me vas estar cagando el palo!


pooping cagando
Ando cagandoing afuera como el perro de la vecina




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