

俚语 calvin and hobbes

calvin and hobbes

The most kickass comic series ever written! Bill Watterson is my home dog!
Calvin:Mom's not feeling well, so I'm going to make her a get well card.
Hobbes:That's thoughtful of you
Calvin:See, on the front it says 'Get well soon, and on the inside it says because my bed isn't made, my clothes need to be put away, and I'm hungry. Love Calvin.' Want to sign it?
Hobbes:Sure, I'm hungry too.

calvin and hobbes

The last throwback to the days of Little Nemo... the artsiest of the artsy... quite simply the greatest comic of the last twenty-five years.

calvin and hobbes

Best comic strip ever drawn. A masterpiece.
Today I read a calvin and hobbes comic.

calvin and hobbes

a six year old with a huge vocabulary and the coolest tiger ever for a best friend! THE BEST COMICS IN THE WORLD!!
They got to see an ant elpope

calvin and hobbes

best comic book ever .
i was sitting on the couch with a stack of comic books. they were calvin and hobbes. they are pimp

calvin and hobbes

A comic that kicks as much ass as the other comic book I want so much.
Calvin and Hobbes rocks!

calvin and hobbes

Defintely the best comic ever written! Bill Watterson is a pimp!
I have many calvin & hobbes tattoo's :)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:14:41