camal toe
What people write when they can't spell "camel toe."
Duh, I fink you crazy biach got a camal toe, deauh, I'm uneducated and can't use a dictionary.
camal toe
When a girl's pussy has a wedgie and it looks like a camal toe.
That thong gave the slut a camal toe. It is so tight she should buy a bigger thong.
camal toe
when the cunt has a wedgie...
that fat chick needs bigger underwear... the small panties are giving her a camel toe.
camale toe
like the camel toe but reserved only for males whose testicles ("nuts") are separated due to tight-fitting shorts
synonyms: man toe
synonyms: man toe
Just yesterday in yoga class I had the unfortunate experience of seeing a couple with each the same faux pas - he had a camale toe while she had the classic camel toe!