thisIsAWayOfWritingVariableNamesAndFunctionNamesInAProgrammingLanguage. programmingLanguagesDoNotAllowSpacesInVariableOrFunctionNamesButUsingCamelCaseTheseWordsAreStillReadableAndItIsMarkedImprovementOnNotation.
iAmTypingIn camelCase
This is a way of writing variable names and function names in a programming language. Programming languages do not allow spaces in variable or function names, but using camelCase these words are still readable and it is marked improvement on _ notation
function myFunctionName()
var myVariableName;
var camelCase = true;
class cMyClassName
var myVariableName;
var camelCase = true;
class cMyClassName
The annoying act of unnecessarily talking in alternating uppercase and lowercase. Usually seen on MSN messenger display names.
LeTs TaLk In CaMeLcAsE aNd MaKe OuR wOrDs UnReAdAbLe!!!!
pepes - mostly emos, use it on everything they do. mostly on things like MSN messenger. they put it as their name, and they do it so u know they r emo. its so fukin annoying n illegible.
i'M a FuCkInG eMo I aLlWaYs TaLk In CaMeLcAsE