

俚语 cameltoetexting (ctt)

Cameltoetexting (CTT)

The act of texting with your cameltoe and/or mooseknuckle. This can be done with or without clothes. Abbreviated as CTT.
Ex. 1:
Girl 1 text msg: iomg gurlk im stuick in dis borin class

Girl 2 text msg: wow you cant spell

Girl 1 text msg: uits onlky cuz im CTT ight now

Girl 2 text msg: so am i. noob.


Guy 1: So did you get that girl's number?
Guy 2: Yeah, but I just asked her if I could use her phone and then we hit it off. Hey man what's she doing?
Guy 1: Oh dude she's Cameltoetexting (CTT)!

Guy 2: No wonder her phone smelled.




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