camo bundle
A large assortment of layered shirts either worn by a young tomboy, teen with gynocemastia, or FtM in an attempt to hide their developing breasts.
Usually worn when sports bras don't do the job-or are too uncomfortable-and they can't afford other alternatives. Unfortunately, this usually makes the wearer look incredibly sloppy.
Usually worn when sports bras don't do the job-or are too uncomfortable-and they can't afford other alternatives. Unfortunately, this usually makes the wearer look incredibly sloppy.
Example 1: Erica's little sister started to wear a camo bundle every day ever since she became a preteen.
Example 2: Since Sam was only 13, he couldn't possibly afford a proper chest binder, so he used a camo bundle to hide his chest.
Example 2: Since Sam was only 13, he couldn't possibly afford a proper chest binder, so he used a camo bundle to hide his chest.