

俚语 canadian love

canadian love

A sexual act including maple syrup, canada (of course) and maple trees.... It starts with banging a girl so hard that you knock her out.... Then you bring her up, (if you live in America) to Canada... smother her face with pure maple syrup, then stick her head to a maple tree. Make sure to leave a note saying your sorry for the inconvenience and a map of where she is.
"Hey Tony! I'm going to Canadian Love your mom tonight!"
"Sweet man (haha I crack myself up) just make sure you put some clothes on her before you stick her, it's cold up there"
"Dude, No shit sherlock, I always pack the finest eskimo jackets."

Canadian Love Letter

A disgusting, yet gentle and highly effective manner of showing disappointment by shitting on the hood of another's car.
justice revenge Canada's #1 export poo

Stuart considered firebombing the home of his former manager, but wisely thought a good ol' Canadian Love Letter would serve justice most apropo.

french canadian love custard

the act of ejaculating on a peice of toast, and eating it with great pleasure
hey hamza, i heard you had some french canadian love custard the other day. i bet it was tasty




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