

俚语 adaired


When you are flashed by a platinum blonde. She may possibly steal your car, so be careful!
I was driving to work when I was adaired by Daisy. She then tricked me into getting out of my car, which she promply stole.


Is someone who is a stud and is dope as hell and can bring out the ugly laugh in just about anyone he wants, short but not that short sexy as hell, smooth, smart, lazy but gets shit done and a personality not forgettable
There goes that dude Adair go shake em up


Is a boy that is good at fortnite black hair, Mexican and Mixed skin color and smart but dumb sometimes
Adair is really good at games


an all together great person whos love for others surpasses all else.
shes such an adaire!


a burnett, who can be smart, is dumb at points. and drop dead gourgus. is an animal person, and just crazy. kinda bossy, and never turns down a fight cuz she is tough!


A fit girl with her brown hair always in a ponytail. She has brown eyes that are always looking for an adventure. She is extremely athletic and plays many sports. She is also a great debater, which stems from her ability to persuade even the toughest crowd. She is said to have a natural beauty, but she doesn't believe it. She's not into the mushy romance, but secretly pines for a relationship similar to Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice. On the outside, however, she ignores boys romantically and doesn't go out of her way to like one, even though she has more male friends than female friends. She isn't afraid to get dirty or muddy, in fact, she loves it. She often speaks of Indiana Jones as being her inspiration and role model. Despite her dominate tomboy qualities, she does have a feminine side. She has a soft spot for kittens and puppies, and can sometimes be seen watching Say Yes to the Dress or looking at wedding dress pictures. She has strong morals and has vowed to never make the mistakes that other people make, such as cheating in a relationship or bullying someone.
The winner of the race is such an Adair.

Elodie: "I hate sharks, they bite people and are scary. I'm always happy when fishers catch and kill a shark."
Adair: "Sharks bite people because people go out on their surfboards and look like seals and the sharks mistaken them for one. Sharks are animals just like dogs or cats, animals that also have been known to bite, and deserve the same treatment as them. Killing them solely out of fear is animal cruelty in my opinion."

That Adair is such a trophy to win! I want to be the first guy she is willing to go on a date with.


Don’t know
Adair is a cool guy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:21:58