

俚语 canclit


A Canadian literature institution made of "Cans" and "Clits", where curiously enough, straight male nerds use women as sex objects. Yet women - who oblige or not - employ said-nerd-men as useful idiots to advance their literary career aspirations.

CanClit relies on the motto "Yes I Can?" and various other hijacked / hackneyed literary slogans for its cause, cause it really can't. If it could, it wouldn't be mired in identity / sexuality / cultural appropriation / power politicking, and other vain rubbish.

Other important slogans are, "Those who can, can. Those who can't, teach." and "Can you do the can-can?"
- Gee! Sheila's mad at Freddy because the burgeoning "literary career" he promised her after much sex, left her in financial disrepair, eh. Oh well, she'll call on the virile "CanClit" hashtag for a publicity boost!

- Whoo! Shamus is annoyed at Morgan cause he didn't share the CanClit poon! Such a selfish little itty-bitty! There's enough to go around on - and off campus!

- The publisher sifted through piles of manuscripts, and mistakenly thought she stumbled on the next Atwood. Instead, she "chanced" upon yet another CanClit story... And needless to say, the manuscript doesn't warrant a response!

- Real writers explore the world with open eyes and think education is a cruel expensive joke. CanClit writers receive training in unispiring institutions, that cost tuition and sexual favors in exchange for degrees. Well, degrees aren't cred or good lit - guess what kinda literature people want to read- and which kind they'll avoid? "Can" you do that?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:57:27