

俚语 candy sticks

candy stick

a candy stick is a guy who is a man whore. so many people have gotten a taste of his dick, its like free candy.
girl 1: "look at him. he's screwed half the school."

girl 2: "i know right. he is a candy stick."

candy sticks

After blowing your main line of cocaine, you take a cigarette (hopefully a Newport) and suck up the rest of the "freeze" like a straw, into the cig.
"why are we making candy sticks, thats such a waste of coke"

"dude, we have like an 8-ball for 2 heads"

"... oh, word"

Emo candy stick

A derogatory term for a straight person
Chad: Pride month shouldn't exist
Emily: Shut up you fucking emo candy stick




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