/kəˈnək ˈk(ə)l/ - noun (vulgar, slang)
Pertains to the stunning visual effect created when a Canadian's pants, generally of the snow or ski variety, are hiked up into their crotch, typically while 'oot in the forest (for some reason) or 'oot on the ice (for hockey, and/or curling, and/or building an igloo), that emphasizes the shape of the puddin'd'eh (<-- real science word for balls/labia).
Pertains to the stunning visual effect created when a Canadian's pants, generally of the snow or ski variety, are hiked up into their crotch, typically while 'oot in the forest (for some reason) or 'oot on the ice (for hockey, and/or curling, and/or building an igloo), that emphasizes the shape of the puddin'd'eh (<-- real science word for balls/labia).
Eh'dere, Tom-- pull yoor damn camo pants oot from yoor Johnson, ya hoser! Yoo're spoortin' some serious Canucknuckle now, aren'tcha bud? Yeah, I'll hold your Timmies; ferda!