Cap'n Danders
The Dandelion King. Also reffered to as: T son, Peters, Skeeters or the big Shmee.
Fancies a nice round of golf and shredding it up on the slopes. Also enjoys spending time after class in the man hole.
Common activities include taking a stroll with a Bud and kickin it with a roll of dro.
Fancies a nice round of golf and shredding it up on the slopes. Also enjoys spending time after class in the man hole.
Common activities include taking a stroll with a Bud and kickin it with a roll of dro.
Cap'n Danders: "Don't pack up, you have homework, page 563 number 1-6"
Kid: "Wtf Shmee, number one goes up to g!!"
"hey wanna hang after school?"
"sorry i cant i have to go talk to the Capn in the man hole"
"did you see that movie this weekend?"
"yeah it was such a Danders movie"
"i started drinkin a beer and then i stopped cause i didnt want to look man-preggers like Ice-T"
"dude, he looks like fuckin Shmee"
Kid: "Wtf Shmee, number one goes up to g!!"
"hey wanna hang after school?"
"sorry i cant i have to go talk to the Capn in the man hole"
"did you see that movie this weekend?"
"yeah it was such a Danders movie"
"i started drinkin a beer and then i stopped cause i didnt want to look man-preggers like Ice-T"
"dude, he looks like fuckin Shmee"