

俚语 caremasking


The withholding of information regarding diagnoses, treatment and care of a patient who lacks capacity from their nearest person as defined by the relevant mental health and capacity laws of the resident jurisdiction by the medical profession of a person under their care. It involves, but is not limited to, inadequate communication with the nearest person and refusals to allow the nearest person to make representations on behalf of their loved one in the situation that that person is unable to represent themselves. It may involve stone walling the nearest person when they request information to which they are allowed access under the relevant laws. It may result in psychological harm to the nearest person themselves due to the creation of additional stress as a result of the withholding of information in a situation where they feel their loved ones treatment is not appropriate in some way.
Caremasking describes the situation where details of her mums treatment were unreasonably and unlawfully withheld from the daughter in the context of the mum being held under the Mental Health law with deteriorating dementia. Creating additional but completely avoidable stress, anxiety and trauma for the daughter in the process.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:28:12