1. an online social gathering or party for celebrating an underappreciated individual, especially a computer administrator or forum moderator.
2. the art of a well run, secure, and well trafficked online forum.
–verb (used with object)
3. to cause to celebrate an underappreciated individual.
—Related forms
car·gat·ing·ly, adverb
car·gat·a·ble, adjective
car·gat·less, adjective
1. an online social gathering or party for celebrating an underappreciated individual, especially a computer administrator or forum moderator.
2. the art of a well run, secure, and well trafficked online forum.
–verb (used with object)
3. to cause to celebrate an underappreciated individual.
—Related forms
car·gat·ing·ly, adverb
car·gat·a·ble, adjective
car·gat·less, adjective
We cargatted Robert Gentel on this slow Sunday just because he deserved the love and appreciation.
His labors are cargattingly notable as he keeps his forum running efficiently and glitch free.
His labors are cargattingly notable as he keeps his forum running efficiently and glitch free.
when a barely legal child purposefully drives their car into a ditch and then over a bolder to avoid the mailman who has stopped MOMENTARILY in front of a driveway
“what happened to molly’s car?”