a name that originates from charles, and changed over time in latin to get a feminine name- carol, carolin, caroline, carolina, CAROLIEN. this name is quite popular in europe but barely used in the US
Because this name originates from a male name, carolien's have a small but effective male side. Carolien can understand their ways and teaches other woman to understand them.
Carolien is mostly a gorgous, strong, sexy and intelligent woman who uses her presence to get what she wants. Do not ever underestemate a Carolien! She is sweet when you treat her right but if you harm her she will do anything to make things right and hurt you.
Carolien is as i said a verry sexual being, she is one of the few women who can make love without any emotion. When a Carolien crosses your pad enjoy the moment and treat her right...
Because this name originates from a male name, carolien's have a small but effective male side. Carolien can understand their ways and teaches other woman to understand them.
Carolien is mostly a gorgous, strong, sexy and intelligent woman who uses her presence to get what she wants. Do not ever underestemate a Carolien! She is sweet when you treat her right but if you harm her she will do anything to make things right and hurt you.
Carolien is as i said a verry sexual being, she is one of the few women who can make love without any emotion. When a Carolien crosses your pad enjoy the moment and treat her right...
Yeah she is a Carolien for sure...
Thank god for Carolien otherwise i wouldn't understand my husband
Thank god for Carolien otherwise i wouldn't understand my husband
a name that originates from charles, and changed over time in latin to get a feminine name- carol, carolin, caroline, carolina, CAROLIEN. this name is quite popular in europe but barely used in the US
No one can pronouce Carolien's name