

俚语 carrier's


The error message given by a modem when the telephone line carrier signal is lost. In the days of BBSs this was a frequent occurrence, often at the very moment someone was typing a sentence. Loss of signal would cause a string of garbage characters to be displayed to the recipient.
In later years this gave rise to an unending joke, depicting someone getting forcefully interrupted or otherwise cut off the internet, out of spite, in the middle of a particularly boring thought, irritating tirade, or some Famous Last Words.
"Backups? BACKUPS? We don' NEED no STEENKIN' BAC{`+#$%{`&+#{@$`%+NO CARRIER


One of the best units to play a no rush game (a game where you wait 5-20 mins before attacking, in contrast to all the little babyback n00bs who zerg the crap out of you early on) with in StarCraft on Battle.net, especially when used with Arbiters, the greatest free online gaming service that has been around for more than 10 years.
person1: dudes, i'm sending Arbiters to the last base, bring the Carriers, Guardians, and Battlecruisers to the warp point!

...30 seconds later: Opponent: HOLY MOTHER OF!--*player gets crap owned out of him...


The single most instant win unit in all of Starcraft.
Carriers = Instant Win


Somewhat of a new gen... He is an archer slowly rising to the top of the game. Absolute tank status will be acquired within the next 2 weeks. He was former Autobots and Canada, and is probably inside of your Dad right now. Respect this man and only use his name for good.
She's thick... Is her name Carriere?


A woman who's job is to be pregnant every 9 months. She pops out babies after babies which enables her to be unemployed and drain government money.
Ashley is always pregnant. Why is she such a carrier? Her fat ass needs to stop popping out babies and get a job at Walmart!


A person who is a carrier of AIDS, HIV and any other STI or STD. In football it is also the ball carrier or person with the ball.
mom: Jenny are you a carrier
jenny: Yeah mom i got it from billy last week and then i spread it to Tom, Gene, Finny, Jimbo and Dad.
mom: How did Dad get it.
Jenny: Me and Dad did the nasty.


A heterosexual person whose homosexual mannerisms suggest they carry a gay gene.
When I first heard Steven talk, I assumed he was gay, but then I met his wife and realized that he was just a carrier.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:05:33