

俚语 cashier talk

cashier talk

Like pillow talk, except you are NOT getting laid, no matter what. It's an intimate conversation between a cashier and the customer, restricted to regularly returning customers. Cashiers do not make commision, there is no reason to snow-job a customer into spending more money. Less than 25% of customer/cashier interactions will contain cashier talk.
Cashier: Hi Tom, how's the wife and kids? Littly Suzy still down with the flu?

Cutomer: remembers buying cold medicine Yes, and I think I'm comming down with it too.

Friend later on: Man, that chick at the store must like you to remember your kid was sick, that's cool. She's never given me any "cashier talk".

cashier talk

Like "pillow talk", except you are NOT getting laid, no matter what. It's a faked intimate conversation between a cashier and the customer, even though the cashier could really care less about you or what's going on in your life. It's just a way to make the customer feel important and spend more money.
Cashier: So, are you spending the holidays at home with a girlfriend, or are you just going to relatives?

Customer: thinking she's coming on to him. No, I'm not married, but I'll be staying at home.

Friend later on: Dude, she's not interested, she was just using some cashier talk to get you to buy that stuff.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:53:08