

俚语 casseroling


The accumulation of body fat that occurs after years of eating casseroles, hot dish, and pot lucks.
Guy-"Whoa, I have not seen Lulu for years, she's huge!"

Gal-" Yeah, she has been casseroled!"


a word that can used in place of "asshole" when a film airs on basic cable, especially when "Pineapple Express" airs on FX.


just a fun, playful alternative to calling somebody an asshole.
Dale: "You are a casserole. That's all you are - you're a casserole."

Saul: "I'm not a casserole! You know what, I, I feel pretty sure that I'm not a casserole. I'm like a totally nice guy!"



The signature 'sympathy dish' people bring to your house when your life is crappy and they feel sorry for you
You: Man, I feel like shit. I just got dumped via text message, my car crashed into a tree, I'm pregnant and my dog ran away

Your friend/neighbor: Knock knock! I've brought you a casserole!


A series of shit things put together that result in a less than satisfying outcome.
The moron made a complete casserole of the one task he had to do

How did the suit fitting go?
It was awful, he'd made a complete casserole of it.


Nasty shit white people eat for dinner.
"Well Jimmy looks like were gonna have Mom's green bean casserole again!"

It's casserole

When something is going bad or you mess it up, but you can't fix it

Very similar to it's casual
Phoebe: I bombed my english final!
Lindsay: It's casserole


n. a person whos body parts don't fit him/her giving the effect that he or she cut body parts off of another human being and sewed them onto him or herself
(In reference to a guy with short legs) Look at that guys legs...he's a casserole.




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