

俚语 castied


When you received a hand job from a woman with a cast and she uses her cast hand to give it to you.
Dude, I'm all chaffed down there from last night after getting that castie.

pornish casty

a person who can be described as looking like an actor in a comedy pornographic film.
christ, have you seen elton over there? with those glasses and that wig on, he looks like a right pornish casty!

Casty Mudpie

The act of funneling pudding into your rectum and shitting it out
I can’t believe Cole left a casty mudpie on Jessica’s floor last night.

halfy casty

a silly version of a half caste
see this halfy casty is my friend!


some who plays fortnite, everests duo parter
castiful is everests duo partner

castiful kinda cute tho ngl


to come at another with rapid information, usually about another language
She castied me with grammatical errors, and interogatives


One of the best Diablo 2 Duelist to grace USEast, Also goes by Castigate and "God" to those whom he owns.
Cody : Last night i got owned by god...
JT : Srsly??
Cody : Yes, Keith owned my face.
JT : Oh you mean casti??




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