

俚语 addies


Short for address
Dwayne: Yo you coming to that party tonight?
Simon: oh yeah bro what's the addy?


Slang term for adderall
Person 1: Yo can u hit a nibba up wit some addy? I got a test coming up soon
Person 2: yeah sure thing my man


Addy is a kind hearted sassy girl. She usually will fight in a argument if she believes she is right even when she might not be. Usually has brown hair and brown or blue eyes. She is extremely beautiful but most of the time she doesn’t believe she is. She is fiery and will retaliate as much as she can but when she sees someone hurt she tries to help but if you get on her bad side you will die
Bro who is that?

Oh that’s Addy

Dang she is so hot!

Yeah just don’t get on her bad side


If you are best friends with an addy your are so lucky. Addy's are the most amazing people. They are shy at first but once you get to know them they are the best! They will never leave your side. They care so much about there best friends and family. Addy's would do anything for you even shaving their head for you. Addy's are so beautiful. They are also hysterical, they tell the best jokes. If you have an Addy in your life never let her go. She will always be there for you no matter what.
Woah! Is that Addy, she seems so nice and is really pretty.


Addy is usually a nickname for the common girl name Addison. Addy is a great friend and will always be there for you. They are often shy but around her friends she will talk a lot. There is always at least one guy who will have a crush on her. Addy's are also a great girlfriend to have. They are usually very good looking. Once people get to know her they will never regret becoming friends with her.
"Hey who is that girl? She never talks!"

"That's Addy I'm her best friend and she never stops talking!"


Addy is a girl who isn’t really understood all the time she is a flirt but her hear gets broken easily she is a tuff girl that everyone is friends with but don’t get on her bad side she tends to fall in love for the hear breakers but that doesn’t stop her for she is the bestie to everyone
Hi addy how are you


Youngest Sister of the three Pharmaceutical Stygian Witches. Kindest and Sweetest of the Three.
Person 1: You know that girl Addy.
Person 2: I've spent many moons making Love to Addy.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:59:37