

俚语 catered


catered is another word for supply of drugs to celebrities, see drug dealer. If someone says the party was catered it normally means drugs are available and free.

If your asked to speak with the party caterer for a celebrity, you may well be asked to order drugs, not sausage rolls or bits of cheese on a stick!

Unless they want you to talk with the party caterer, you may want to clear that up! less embarressing than asking for a couple of bricks, and the dude in the tall white hat has no idea what you want!
"The party I went to was fully catered, I was so messed up...!"

"Charlie Sheen caterers for his guests needs!"

the line in that song the party was catered, referencing drugs and rap music!


to be drunk off your ass; highly intoxicated
bobby was so catered by the end of the night, he passed out on the front lawn


to provide for someone as in pampering them; to submit to your man/girl
Let me cater to you.


to give or receive a serious ass whooping.

a word poularized in the 90's in the northern california region. almost like being served, but refers soley to beat downs. not some square ass teeny bopper dance moves.
1. chuck liddell catered tito's punk ass twice.

2. I hope you ate your wheaties cause I am going to cater you bitch.

A Cater

When someone is being whiny and think the world is after them. They pretend to be suicidal so people will pity them. They think the whole world revolves around them and that they are the only one's with a problem in their lives.
Person 1: Man, I hate the world, it sucks! Yesterday I got a flat tire and no one helped me. No one loves me. People wouldn't even noticed if I died.
Person 2: Oh don't be such a cater


A combination of the words cate, and hater
forming the word CATER. To Hate on someone with the name cate.
Girl1: Oh ma gawd whats cate wearing?

Girl2: Come on dont be a CATER.

Hooters is catering

A generic reason to do anything, or get someone to come to a boring event.
I know funerals are depressing but look on the bright side, Hooters is catering.




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